If only I could see your smiling face
Lighting up with gladness
Seeing the beauty of each day.
If only I could see your graceful hands
Dancing over the piano keys,
As they say you do so well.
If only I could see your velvet hair
Thick as it cascades over your shoulder
Falling through my unworth fingers.
If only this barrier of mine
Didn't lay between us.
If only I could hear your voice
Rough but sweet, crooning
The blues in your heart.
If only I could hear you play
That sax filled with the passion of your soul
As they say you do so well.
If only I could hear you laugh
Richly, joyfully, at Life's comidies
Amidst our own tragedies.
If only this barrier of mine
Didn't lay between us.
If only they could see our strength,
Hindered as we may seem,
Our barriers don't effect us.
If only they could hear the music of our hearts
Intertwined like the bramble and rose,
As they say it does so well.
If only they could feel our bond
Holding us fast
Holding us close.
If only they could know these barriers of ours
Don't lay between us.
If only you could see the strength
Of their hearts,
Compassionate and understanding.
If only you could hear the wordless conversations
Between these two so frequently
As I see they do so well.
If only you could know their barriers,
He is blind, she is deaf,
But each understanding of the other's.
If only you could understand that
In His eyes, their love is enough
To break the barriers laying between them