23 May 2009


What is a metaphor?
What does it look like?
Does it have texture?
How does it smell?

What is a metaphor?
How do you extend it?
Can you take it in your hands,
And stretch it, like Silly Putty,
Molding and bending it to meet
Your needs?
What is a metaphor?
Is it our own brand of magic,
our own way of turning
one thing into another?
Is it an earth-bound sorcery
Enabling us to change a speck
into an island,
a man into a mountain,
a candle into a star?
Abstract Metaphors

12 May 2009

Some Drawings

Alright all, I wanted to share some drawings I did recently. I don't draw all that often, and the results can be mixed, but I rather liked these.

Most of the time my shading's pretty iffy, but this actually came out fairly decent. This teacup was just on the table, it looked nice, and I had pencil and paper. The above ensued.

Yes, that is a lamp and a set-up you'd probably find in an interrogation room. No, they don't have anything to do with each other. I was just bored, alright? Besides, I like it.

This I drew before math this morning. I'm not sure why, but I was thinking of Archi Teuthis, so I drew the squid; then during study hall I wrote the poem, which goes something like this:

Two bright, curious
Peering out of the
Making sense of
the abyss
Ten long, lean
Reaching out into
Feeling the
One quick, creative
Meandering into
Letting it wander in

05 May 2009

As of Late, Untitled

[the following is meant to be handwritten]

(haven't quite figured out the addressee yet)
Since humankind began making technological advances, technology has been growing at an exponential rate. Major breakthroughs have been occurring at smaller time intervals; we've been increasing our dependancy on computers; we've been working to create more advanced artificial intelligence. Because of all these advances, and their rate of advance, it is therefore inevitable that one day A.I., indeed, all technology, will surpass human comprehension.

As much as I support scientific endeavors, as I mysalf am an avid researcher, I strongly caution going forward with a recently proposed project intended to further the boundaries of A.I. and test the limits of the experimental quantum computer. Several past scientists, both amature and seasoned, have warned against a phenomenon known as technological singularity. I don't consider myself an expert on the subject, in fact I barely understand its details, but from what I do understand I can say that with the way things have been progressing, if this project is allowed to go forward, I only see grave consequences for the well-being of the human race.

I realize that obscurity gives my words little weight, but I beg that you reconsider supporting this project.

Marcus Kell Jay


I think I should explain the inspiration for this one. Lately I've been kind of interested/freaked out by the possibility of a robot apocalypse/takeover. You may laugh, but think about it: technology's advancing so quickly (exponentially, in fact) that it'll soon be beyond our comprehension. We're developing A.I. that'll be able to surpass our intelligence. The whole concept of technological singularity. The First Rule of Robots (not to be confused with the First Law of Robots [yes, the two are different]), which is a robot will always turn against you (same applies to chimps, apparently).

I must mention: because this is a draft there'll be blank spaces, there'll be omissions, there'll be changes. Comments are appreciated!

04 May 2009

A Possible Future "Free Your Mind" Segment

Alright, there's a series on Protag. that I've been contributing to called "Free Your Mind." If you're a former Ficlets person (and I know you're out there), you'll probably recall the Ficlets Revolution series, and all the madness that ensued there. This is somewhat similar, except this one's a little less insane. But just a little.
Anyway, I had an idea for my reentrance into the story, I wanted to lay it on y'all, and this seemed to be the only real publication option at the moment. Keep in mind, this is a draft, so it's more-or-less annotated (for example, all the stuff in parentheses are either thoughts, underdeveloped ideas, or something that'll change once I think of a better way to phrase it). Everything is subject to change, and comments are highly appreciated!

Blue Skies
(Undetermined Person) looked up apprehensively at the looming church. Run-down as it was, it still stood majestically over the grey street. When they took over, try as they might, the Antagonists could not bring themselves to destroy it, nor the magnificent stained glass windows, nor mar it in any other way, inside or out. They may have frowned upon art and discouraged religion, but they knew where divine boundaries lay.
"I hope this is the right place," (U.P) muttered, pulling at the substancial wooden door. And I hope no Antagonists decide to show up, (s)he thought. His/her muffled footsteps rang through the high sanctuary ceiling, getting tangled up in the rafters. Specks of dust floated and danced lazily in the late afternoon sunbeams tinted by the stained glass. (more description of church possibly?) (U.P) was taken with the sanctuary; indeed, it had been a while since anyone had seen beauty of this magnitude. But the allegations seemed to be proving right: there was no one here. Was it a bluff, then?
A sound caught (U.P)'s ear. Quickly (s)he glanced up into the (second level/balcony level), but saw nothing. Unseen the sound continued; it sounded like singing:
Bist du bei mir,
geh' ich mit Freuden
zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh',
zum Sterben undzu meiner Ruh.
Bist du bei mir,
geh' ich mit Freuden
zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh
zum sterben undzu meiner Ruh.
Ach, wie vergnügt
wär' so mein Ende,
es drückten deine schönen Hände
mir die getreuen Augen zu!
Ach, wie vergnügt
wär' so mein Ende,
es drückten deine schönen Hände
mir die getreuen Augen zu!
Bist du bei mir,
Geh'ich mit Freuden
zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh
zum sterben undzu meiner Ruh.
It's either a ghost or an angel, (U.P) thought, clearing his/her throat and continuing to meander through the pews.
After a few moments, the voice began again. It was a partially familiar tune, but the words seemed a bit different:
Blue skies smiled at me,
But nothin' but dark skies do I see.
Bluebirds used to sing songs,
But nothin' but blue sighs all day long.

Used t'see the sun,
Shinin' so bright,
Used t'see things
Goin' so right.
Notice all the days
Hurryin' by,
When you're on the run,
My how they fly.
Blue skies, most of them gone,

Seems nothin' but blue days from now on.
"Can't seem to sing anything cheerful, huh?" (U.P) called out into the sanctuary.
"At least it's something." (U.p) turned to look up into the (balcony) at a haggard, exhausted, emaciated, but half smirking Gwen. She walked along the edge towards the stairs. "Besides, it keeps up the story that this place is haunted.