(I'm not entirely sure how many people actually read this blog, but no matter. If I inform empty space, dangnabit I shall inform empty space!)
Before the fall of Ficlets, I joined the writing site protagonize.com. After a few days, a rant, and a bit of acclamation (which is ongoing), someone suggested that I bring over something familiar from my past. It didn't take me too long to figure out what I had to do.
On Ficlets, I had collaborated on a rather excellent series with the ever-wonderful OrangeOreos. I'd published some random bit one day, not expecting too much out of it. The very next day I found a sequel attatched to it. It provoked me. I had to add on. It just kept building, and building, and building into a rather great project over the course of many months.
You can read the "Accursed Necklace" series, in its original form, from this link right here:
After joining Protag, I consulted Orange and told him of this idea I had: what if we were to repost the Necklace series? But! We decided to take it one step further. If you're not familiar with ficlets, it'd probably help to know that there was a more-or-less (in)famous character count: no more than 1,024 characters, no fewer than 64. But with Protag, we didn't have the same boundaries. What if, instead of merely reposting, we expanded on the story? It was decided: we would repost the Necklace series, but an extended version.
But the inspiration bug bit me once more. I asked my friend, an excellent artist, if she would consider illustrating various parts of the Necklace series. She agreed, to my great satisfaction.
So! It boils down to this: In the coming weeks, I plan on posting "Accursed Necklace," in its new entirety, with illustrations.
Can't wait that long to read what we have so far?
Whee! I can't wait to see the drawings! :D
ReplyDeletesuch a collaboration! now I have to go read it...