25 October 2009

I think you ought to know...

If you start to hear a whole lot of nothing coming from my direction, don't worry.
Or, if you're likely to skip the worry phase and go straight to the panic phase, I would recommend you follow this advice:

I haven't fallen off the edge of the earth....

... I haven't been overtaken by robots

... or anything of that sort.

No, I'm just going to be galavanting around Europe, specifically through Portugal, Spain, and a little bit of France, and hopefully with at least a small towel in tow.

I'll be back the first week of November, don't you worry. And when I do return, there will be photos. There will be commentary. And there will most likely be Spanish outbursts.

You have been warned.


  1. that is soooo awesome! You better have fun, and tell us lots of stories! WITH PICTURES!

  2. Have a brilliant trip, I look forward to the pictures :)


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