07 July 2009

SoP 13: Limericks!

The Book of Nonsense, 10
Edward Lear
There was an Old Man in a tree,
Who was horribly bored by a Bee;
When they said, "Does it buzz?"
He replied, "Yes, it does!"
It's a regular brute of a Bee!"
There once was a parrot named Bob
And he used to continually sob,
"Please notice me! Can't anyone see

That I just want corn on the cob!"
Yay for off-the-cuff limericks! I haven't tackled one of these in quite some time.

1 comment:

  1. Parrots eat corn it is true
    But are they like me and like you?
    What I'm meaning to say
    (In a roundabout way)
    Is - do they find it whole in their poo?


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