14 June 2009


Alright, just to keep all y'all informed:

- I'm planning a revamped look for this fine blog. Not quite sure what that revamp will entail, so I'm open to suggestions!

- After school gets let out, I'm going to go on another "poetry frenzy." As part of my AP English summer assignment, I'll be finding at least one poem a day. I'll share that poem here, and I'll write a poem of my own* as well. Two poems for the price of one! All summer long! Yay!

- I'm also going to step up my reading this summer, too. If I come across something really good I'll share it with you guys.

*quality not guarenteed.

1 comment:

  1. Heyy,

    Change the blog layout por favor! Tee hee XD.

    Guh, I still have this week to go, hah. Oh well, after I hit summer, it'll be all books and writing just as I like it. Can't wait!

    Looking forward to reading your poems - they're always ever-so-charming =)



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