17 February 2009

Roshambo, Embellished

I imagine the imaginary audience is familiar with the game Roshambo... known to us little people as Rock-Paper-Scissors. It's fairly simple to understand:
Rock crushes scissors,
Scissors cut paper,
Paper covers rock.
Yeah, that last one never made sense to me, either.
However, since I've discovered The Big Bang Theory, I've found a variation of Roshambo: Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock. It's the same idea, with two additions.

Didn't quite catch that?

The Rock-Paper-Scissors part is the same. Here's where it's different:

Spock crushes Scissors, and vaporizes Rock.
Paper disproves Spock, and Lizard poisons Spock.
Lizard eats Paper.
Rock crushes Lizard, and Scissors decapitate Lizard.

Y'get it?
And, according to the Rock-Paper-Scissor page on Wikipedia (I know, reliable source, right?), there's an "Ultimate Rock-Paper-Scissors Chart."
I swear, I can remember a multitude of pages of music, but for the life of me I have no clue who would go to the trouble of remembering all of those symbols. I'd prefer to remember the combinations of RPSLS, truth be told.

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