25 April 2009

NPM 15: How?

How does poetry work?
How does it move us
With black dots
Forming letters,
Letters giving way
To words,
Words yielding
To lines?
Lines forming an idea.

How is it that short lines,
Some with rhyme,
Others with rhythm,
And others still without either,
Touch our hearts?
Make us think?
Make us feel things
We've never felt before,
Nor ever will feel the same way?

There's other forms of literature
Out there.
But here's what I find curious:
How does poetry
In 175 words
Do what prose does
In 175 lines
Or paragraphs
Or pages?

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is really cool! I know! Isn't poetry amazing. It's so fun to write too and really satisfying when it's just what you wanted to convey. Really good poem - the whole reflective and marvelling tone comes through really nicely! I should visit your blog more often! lol ;)

    Rose @>}------


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