15 April 2009

NPM 4: Untitled

(Inspired by one of Eloosive's Daily Writing Practices, which, in turn, was inspired by a piece by Protag's Archi Teuthis. Gotta love the creative-borrowing cycle)
Photo inspiration (as I can't find an embedding link): http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day/green-window-pod.html
You also have to love the awesomeness that is National Geographic.

Crackling paint cast in
Gentle morning sunlight
Slated window veiled in shadow


  1. Ooo i like! Really simple and short but still crams in so much feeling. I especially liked the last word just on its own and the way you've cut out its middle syllable! :)

    Rose @>}------

  2. nice visual picture! there's a lot said in the pacing and the few words.


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