29 April 2009

NPM 19: I Cannot Write a Poem Today

I cannot write a poem today
I've far too much to do
Should be illegal t'have this much
I think that I should sue.

I cannot write a poem today,
I'm much too busy, you see.
I'd write all day f'I had the choice,
But it cannot be.

I cannot write a poem today,
I say it with chagrin.
But wait a sec, this is a poem!
Oh man, I lied! I sin!

I guess I wrote a poem today,
Despite my busy life.
A bit of wit is always respite
From my daily strife.
Don't forget: tomorrow's Poem in Your Pocket Day! Carry one/some of your favorite poem(s) in your pocket!

1 comment:

  1. My Lovely Pianista,

    I think I'm in love!

    Your Secret Admirer


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