18 April 2009

NPM 7: Sonnet I

Ms Archi Teuthis Dux, the Chief Squid reigns
Around the writing site Protagonize
Composing pieces borderline insane
But ultimately beauty maximized

Creates detachedly straightforward prose
Or pieces that are downright strange at first
But if one takes the time to think, I s'pose,
It gives us something we unwit'ning thirst.

See, "We all go a little mad sometimes"
But I don't think we have enough'v't'n life.
The Chief Squid makes it part of normal times
Bizarre and strange occurr'nces are but trif(les)

For emph'sis on where odd'ty daily lies
I envy'r, praises to her I give rise
My first sonnet-ific efforts (Shakespearean, specifically), dedicated to Archi_Teuthis, the Chief Squid of Protagonize.
A note on some of the crazy spellings: If fudging was good enough for Shakespeare, it's good enough for me. I have no compunction.

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