14 April 2009

NPM 3: The Earlybird Queen

I have been deemed
The Earlybird Queen,
On the grounds, it seems,
That the hour I wake's obscene.

I wake up at five,
Ere the sun arrives,
Before the sane are 'live,
But that's the way I jive.

OrangeOreos deemed me
The Earlybird Queen.
I don't want t'cause a scene,
But I see what he means.

How many pea-pells
Wake, bright as bells,
At 5? It sure is hell
For most who do't, ill or well.

But the way I've seen,
I, the Earlybird Queen,
Have fallen into routine
That makes me e'en

Happier than most
Because, (I'll try not t'boast)
I usually get almost
All my piano practice up-coast (?).

The day's then free
For use by me
The one who's been dee(med)
The Earlybird Quee(n)
I came up with that? On the fly? Without any editing?
Sure, the meter might be a bit off, and some rhymes stretches... but dang, I surprise myself.

Are we sure that I wrote that?


  1. I'm sure you wrote it. It has your inimitable wit. You should post this on Protag! Great stuff, Gwen. :)

  2. *wild applause*

    I frickin' *love* the '?' after up-coast, haha.

  3. gah! 5? Not me, though in high school I had to get up at 5:30 every day. The poem is sweeeeet! Way to go!

  4. Haha! I love the slant rhymes in the final stanza... I should show my English teacher this. XD


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